High School/ Junior High Menu for October
Elementary Menu for October
Family Learning Night at the Elementary!
A reminder that elementary students who have signed up for ROAR will begin this week. Mondays and Tuesdays are for 3rd-5th grades and Wednesdays and Thursdays for 1st and 2nd graders. Students are to be picked up at 4:00
Cross Country Mid Season Update!
Mayer has been slacking with the social media so this post is going to cover a ton!
Marion Steeplechase Invitational was a huge success- The Steeplechase course contained obstacles (logs, bales, tires, etc) and provided a variety of race lengths athletes could compete in. A special shout out to Lansing Waverly traveled up here a day early to help set up the hazards along the course, do some team building activities, and cook out.
The Evart Wildcat invitational was next-we couldn't have asked for a better day to run! In the heart of SpringHill Camp, Marion athletes ran almost every type of terrain-grassy straightaways, winding packed dirt forest trails, and a sandy beach. The rolling hills throughout make this a challenging but fun course to run every year. A huge congratulations to junior Donna Mills-Foster and 7th grader Weslee Schlitter for their top 25 placement medals! Also, shout out to Junior Parker Sosa-Kibby for running the first varsity race of his career.
Next, we were back in Marion again, hosting WMD Jamboree #2-not only was it our home WMD meet, but this is the first meet of the year where we have had a full boys varsity team! This race also saw quite a few season/personal records:
High school
Junior Donna Mills-Foster ran a season record 26:24
Bella Radtke ran a personal record 29:26
Sophomore Jaden Kiger ran a season record 22:30
Freshman ran a personal record 23:39
and Junior Parker Sosa-Kibby finished his first ever Cross Country race in 34:57
Middle School
Abigail Havercroft ran a personal record 21:36
Ana Latoski ran a personal record 18:36
FINALLY the Varsity team spent a long day up in Traverse City supporting the RAGNAR Road Race finish line-It was an incredible experience that we enjoy every year. Running can be a lifelong sport if you put in the effort. The best part, we got to cheer on a team from Marion as they crossed the finish line after two days and over 200 miles of running!
Our team continues to grow and practice adds the miles-we are looking forward to the second half of the season and the successes each athlete will experience.
Marion Cross Country would like to personally thank all the coaches, parents, supporters, and athletes who came out to run/cheer those giving their all around our course. There are so few high school sports where everyone, regardless of school, is cheering everyone-It truly is a great, supportive environment for all involved!
Homecoming week begins Monday!
Tailgate Fundraiser
Benefits of Strong Attendance
• Helps to keep students from falling behind
• Keeps students on track for graduation
• Improves social skills, builds self-confidence as students interact with their
peers and teachers
• Provides the path to a secure job in the future
• Students learn skills to interact with people
• Students develop healthy life habits
Mrs. Grimm Retires
As of Friday, September 29, Mrs. Grimm, a long time high school math teacher for Marion Public Schools will be retired. The MPS staff celebrated this event Wednesday morning with breakfast and the GRIMO version of bingo. The students will have a farewell for her also on Friday. Read her message below to the community. If you have a memory or a word of gratitude or well wishes for Mrs. Grimm, please leave a positive note on our FaceBook post. BEST WISHES for your next chapter of life, Mrs. Grimm!
Leaving Marion Public Schools - from the Heart
As I finish out my last few days of my 27 years of teaching High School Math at Marion Public Schools, I can not help but feel many strong emotions, happy and sad. Happy to have reached this milestone in my life and sad to leave a career which has been my existence for so long. I honestly can’t believe it has been 30 years since I first started teaching.
When people ask me what I like most about teaching, I would have to say making connections with teenagers either personally or educationally everyday. When students know you care and listen, it makes teaching math less of a challenge. It’s not a surprise that math is not everyone's favorite subject. I will miss the students and the connections I've made with so many over the years the most.
I will also miss all of all of my teacher and administrator friends, kitchen, custodial and office staff, lunch time lounge conversations, the clatter in the hallway when the bell rings, my classroom, special homemade chicken noodle or cheese and broccoli soup for the staff, a snow day call in the morning before its time to get up or better yet the night before, beautiful sunrises on the drive to work and an occasional sunset on the way home, the energy young people have, the cheerleaders practicing in the cafeteria, mashed potato and chicken nugget day, knowing the latest fashions from being around teenagers all day, so many smiling faces, biscuits and gravy for breakfast, seeing the light bulb come on, and the unique atmosphere of working in a small school.
On a funny note, there are a few things I will not miss like the glaring morning sunlight right at eye level at the center of the road for about 15 miles due east, getting up at 5:45 am, the copier jamming when you desperately need your papers, finding a time to use the restroom, probably grading papers, data meetings and oh yeah, working through covid.
Being a teacher at Marion Public Schools has been the most rewarding career I could have ever chosen and has given me so many memories that I will cherish forever. I am so thankful to have been a part of this educational community. Change isn’t always easy for me but I feel an overwhelming happiness to have had the chance to teach and work with so many wonderful people. Time for a new adventure. I will miss it all.
Michelle Grimm
The Marion Cross Country team would like to invite you to participate in our Fall 5k Fun Run (!!!with a 1 mile run course for those that don't want to run the full 5k!!!) and Carnival on Saturday, October 14. Hope to see you there!
Fall Carnival sponsored by Marion Cross Country Team.
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to save a life? Well, wonder no longer. TODAY September 22, 2023 from 10:00am-3:45pm, NHS is hosting a blood drive at Marion High School through Versiti. You must be at least 16 years old (with parent/guardian consent form); 17 and up, no form is needed. By donating blood, you will be helping to save a life or two, while only taking up a little bit of time from your day.
Want to schedule an appointment? Follow this link: https://donate.michigan.versiti.org/donor/schedules/drive_schedule/153453
Walk-ins are welcome even if all appointment slots are taken!
Seniors attended Mid-Michigan College's Senior Focus day on September 15, 2023. Seniors networked with college representatives, local businesses, agencies and military recruiters. Seniors were also able to tour Mid's welding facility and campus.
5th Grade Teaching Position Opening
Thank you to the community for the wonderful support of our school library at the elementary and community library. Wanita Kampmueller emphasized the power of reading aloud at all ages especially young children and listening when being read to.
She also presented the board with a gift (a Kate DiCamello book to read aloud to someone). An invitation was extended to everyone to join the Marion community Library at the presentation on Sept. 27 at 5:00pm at Old Mille Venue when the author of The Firekeeper’s Daughter comes to speak.
Every day counts! Students who miss school, miss out. Strive for Less Than 5 days absent this school year! #everydaycounts #StriveforLessThan5
The middle school volleyball game scheduled for Tuesday, September 19, against Walkerville has been canceled. The varsity volleyball game will still be played and will now start at 5:30.
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to save a life? Well, wonder no longer. This Friday, September 22, 2023 from 10:00am-3:45pm, NHS is hosting a blood drive at Marion High School through Versiti. You must be at least 16 years old (with parent/guardian consent form); 17 and up, no form is needed. By donating blood, you will be helping to save a life or two, while only taking up a little bit of time from your day.
Want to schedule an appointment? Follow this link: https://donate.michigan.versiti.org/donor/schedules/drive_schedule/153453
Walk-ins are welcome even if all appointment slots are taken!
The Middle School and Varsity Volleyball Games scheduled in Pentwater for Wednesday, Sept. 20, have been postponed to a later date. An update will be sent out once the games have been rescheduled.
Having completed a mini unit on science modeling, the scientists in 6th grade have moved on to investigating how water moves through our community. Check out the stations and simulations in the photos that gave students a closer look at water movement situations so they can model and share evidence with their fellow scientists.