Growing Student Leaders at MHS
Several MHS students representing all student-led groups answered the call this week to improve their leadership skills. SLS, MPACT, NHS, OYAC, Class Officers, and Team Captains were all invited to participate in the 2022 Summer Leadership Institute in Marion, Michigan. This conference was free-of-charge for our MHS student leaders and was led by Student Leadership Services (SLS) Program Director, Dawn Flood, from the home SLS office out of Waterford, Michigan.
MHS students spent two days at the Institute. The topics for day one focused on personal leadership while day two emphasized team development and working with others. Participants engaged in interactive activities to learn about their leadership style and strengths, develop communication skills, and practice teamwork skills. Students made personalized leadership books, developed an understanding of their strengths as a leader, and learned what they already have to contribute to their groups and/or teams. Discussions were meaningful and very productive. MHS students developed a large list of “hot topics” they feel they can work to address within their groups and teams. Two big topics they prioritized were student success and general safety. Our 2022-23 MHS student leaders left the Institute with two big project plan drafts to address those topics right away.
As always, our MHS groups appreciate all of the support and donations we receive from our hometown fans. They would not be able to carry out their missions and reach their leadership goals without all of you. We would like to thank Shananjac’s for helping provide lunches for both days and the Marion Village for allowing us to host the Summer Leadership Institute in our Marion Township Hall this week. We would also like to thank parent-volunteer, Kristine Peterson, for her help setting up. Thanks to all of you, our MHS student leaders re-established their vision and are ready to tackle the new school year. This training was co-funded by Marion SLS and MPACT.
To learn more about one of our MHS leadership groups or if your student(s) would like to become a member or participate, please contact the Advisers.
SLS: Ms. Baker
MACT: Ms. Baker & Mrs. Deighton
NHS: Mr. Mayer
OYAC: Mrs. Goldberg
Class Advisers: 9th grade– (TBA), 10th grade– Mrs. Hoffman , 11th grade– Mrs. Krchmar , 12th grade– Mr. Grundy
If you are interested in seeing more student leaders in action in Marion and throughout Michigan, visit or follow the Student Leadership Services Facebook page. Marion students will be featured soon in the upcoming SLS state-wide newsletter.