Students, Staff, Parents, and Community Members:
After school today, administration became aware that a student at the elementary school may have made a threat toward a student at the Jr-Sr High School. The police were immediately notified when we heard about the potential threat. The police went to the home of the student accused of making the threat and they were informed there was a BB gun in the student’s locker at school. A search of the student’s locker found an unloaded BB gun. At that time we made the decision to end all after-school activities so the school could be thoroughly searched. The search found no new items of concern.
After consulting with the Osceola County Sheriff, we have determined that it is safe to have school so we will continue with our regularly scheduled days and activities.
The student that had the BB gun will not be back in school. Additionally, we will ensure that all doors are closed and locked in the buildings and we will closely monitor who enters the buildings. There will also be an increased police presence in the district during the school day and at graduation tomorrow night.
Steve Brimmer
Marion Public Schools