Good Morning! Today is Wednesday, April 20, 2022, and here are today’s announcements:
Students, please stay home from school if you are showing any signs of an infectious disease like the flu or covid-19 such as: fever/chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle/body aches, headache, new loss of taste/smell, sore throat, congestion/runny nose, nausea/vomiting, or diarrhea.
Prom Tickets will be on sale at Lunch. Tickets are $20.00 per person or $30.00 Per Couple. The prom is Saturday, April 23rd at the Old Mill Venue. Guest forms can be picked up in the office and must be turned in by 3:05 pm TODAY. Prom Tickets will be sold through the end of the day Friday. We will not be selling tickets at the door on Saturday. Doors for prom will close at 8:30 PM students will not be allowed after this time unless they get permission ahead of time. Once you leave you will not be allowed back in.
Time to wear your hats! Friday, April 22nd is “hats on for a safe prom” themed hat day. Hats may be silly, casual, or formal. Wear a fascinator, barret, a visor, or top hat. Just wear a hat for a worthy cause. Buy a sticker for $1.00 and you get to wear your hat all day. Hats must be school appropriate. Stickers may be purchased before school on April 22nd. You must have a sticker to participate. Staff participation is encouraged.
Spring Sports Photos will take place on Tuesday, April 26th. You should have received your order form and scheduled time frame from your coach. If you need another order form, please pick one up in the office.
Artesian Springs Medical Center will be providing Sports Physicals for the upcoming school year on May 12th from 1-3 PM at the High School. The cost is $20. Please stop by or call the High School office to schedule your appointment.
Safe Prom activities and information will be shared by SLS members during high school lunch this week. Stop by the table to participate and remember to answer the daily trivia questions using the Google Forms sent to your email each day and you may win some prizes!
Students attending After Prom: If you haven’t already heard the news, the YMCA had to cancel due to not enough staff, but never fear. Your MPACT members have your backs and planned many fun activities in its place. Please see the email sent to you outlining the changes for the last, fun-filled part of After Prom.
Students attending After Prom: Please vote for the movie you would like to see using the Google Form sent to your email. Voting ends at 12:00 pm (noon) on Friday, April 22nd.
Daily Trivia for Safe Prom 2022: Answer the question each day using the Google Forms sent to your email each day and you may win some prizes! Please be safe during prom season.
Yesterday’s answers were: 75 percent of teens felt pressured to use alcohol while another 49 percent said their friends encouraged them to try drugs during prom.
Despite the fact that more teens are involved in fatal traffic accidents related to alcohol during prom season, the majority of high school aged students don't seem to recognize how dangerous it actually is.
How many juniors and seniors found that just 20 percent of teens believe being on the roads on prom night is dangerous?What percent of those teens surveyed admitted to driving under the influence after prom?
This Week’s Events Are:
Wednesday, April 20, 2022
JH MPACT Meeting in Ms. Baker's room during lunch
HS MPACT Meeting in the MHS Cafeteria during lunch
SLS Meeting 3:15-4:15 pm in Ms. Baker’s room
Varsity Track WMD Jamboree at Big Rapids Crossroads, Away 4:15 pm, Bus Time 2:30 pm
Thursday, April 21, 2022
After School Tutoring in Mrs. Grimm’s Room, 3:05-4:00 pm
Varsity Girls Softball vs Pentwater, Away 4:30 & 6:00 pm, Bus Time 1:45 pm
Friday, April 22, 2022
Saturday, April 23, 2022
Prom at the Old Mill Venue 7:00-11:00 pm
After Prom Activities following Prom - 7:30 am
Sunday, April 24, 2022
Happy Birthday to:
Wednesday 4/20 Cole M
Have a Wonderful Wednesday!