Good Morning! Today is Friday, March 25, 2022, and here are today’s announcements:
Students, please stay home from school if you are showing any signs of an infectious disease like the flu or covid-19 such as: fever/chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle/body aches, headache, new loss of taste/smell, sore throat, congestion/runny nose, nausea/vomiting, or diarrhea.
Good news! MPACT brought back our cafeteria microwaves, to keep them in use, please make sure to disinfect them after every use!
New Drivers…Please remember to stop in the office to pick up your student vehicle registration. You must have a parking permit to park on campus.
This week we are celebrating “March is Reading Month” with dress-up days and a daily trivia contest. Dress up days are as followed:
Friday: Favorite Character Day- Dress as your favorite character.
Today’s Trivia Question:
Friday: Approximately how many books are published each year?
This Week’s Events Are:
Friday, March 25, 2022
Half-Day of School: Class Periods 1-3, Dismiss at 11:20 am
Happy Birthday to:
Friday 3/25 Eric W
Saturday 3/26 None
Sunday 3/27 Chris M
Have a Fantastic Friday and Spring Break!