Students, Parents, and Community Members:
Due to the unusually high number of school days missed due to weather, covid, and school threats, Marion Public Schools intends to use virtual instruction on days that we would normally cancel due to weather for the remainder of the school year. We have been told that we may not see an increase in the number of missed days forgiven by the state, so in an effort to not extend the school year any longer than necessary, we feel we need to implement virtual days instead of canceling school. We will be using virtual days beginning on Monday, March 14th instead of canceling school on poor travel days.
As it currently stands, we need to make up 11 school days in June. Our original last day of school was June 3, 2022, but the last day currently is set to be June 20, 2022. If the state decides to offer legislative relief in terms of snow day forgiveness, then that date could change.
Each teacher and grade level has a plan in place on how to educate the children on virtual days. If you have any questions about the process, please contact the school office for more details.
Steve Brimmer
Marion Public Schools