Good Morning! Today is Friday, November 19, 2021, and here are today’s announcements:
Students, please stay home from school if you are showing any signs of an infectious disease like the flu or covid-19 such as: fever/chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle/body aches, headache, the new loss of taste/smell, sore throat, congestion/runny nose, nausea/vomiting, or diarrhea.
Thanksgiving Basket Items are due to your class advisor TODAY. Please make sure to get them turned in as soon as possible so the baskets can be decorated before the judging day.
Attention Sophomores and Seniors: Jostens will be here at lunch on November 22nd to collect orders.
Student Athletes: This is just a reminder that “In order to participate in a contest, athletes must be in attendance at ALL of their classes, except as excused by the building principal or designee. Students more than ten minutes late to class will be considered absent for that class.”
Students & Staff: The best way to prevent drowsy driving is to get enough sleep. You can ask someone to drive if you do not feel alert. #SleepFirst
This Week’s Events Are:
Friday, November 19, 2021
Saturday, November 20, 2021
JH Robotics Competition in Howell, MI
Happy Birthday to:
Sunday 11/21 Malachi B
Have a Fantastic Friday!