Good Morning! Today is Friday, October 29, 2021, and here are today’s announcements:
Is it time for new Marion Wear? Grab some of our new items with the new design from our online Marion Apparel sale. All orders must be placed online. See the flyers around MHS for more details, get the link on the Marion Facebook page, or speak to an MPACT Adviser. Orders are guaranteed to arrive BEFORE Christmas. The sale ends on October 31st. Support your School Store today!
Students, please stay home from school if you are showing any signs of an infectious disease like the flu or covid-19 such as: fever/chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle/body aches, headache, the new loss of taste/smell, sore throat, congestion/runny nose, nausea/vomiting, or diarrhea.
During lunch, students are to be in designated areas only.
Junior High Halloween Dance--October 29th, 5:00-7:00 pm in the MHS cafeteria. Cost: $5.00 each. Wear your costumes and you may win a prize! We need chaperones for the dance, if we do not get enough, the dance will have to be canceled. If your parent would be willing to chaperone please see Mr. Baldwin or Ms. Baker as soon as possible.
Halloween Costume Day-- Is Friday, October 29th. Wear your costume to school that day and you may win a prize. To enter the costume contest, sign up in the MHS cafeteria before 1st hour and pay the $2.00 participation fee. The costume contest categories are: Best Group, Most creative (homemade), Scariest, Most Unique, Cutest. No weapons are allowed with costumes and all costumes must be school-appropriate.
Students: Thanks for celebrating Red Ribbon Week with SLS. Today’s dress-up day was Sunglasses Day—“Shade out drugs!” You can celebrate the Red Ribbon Week campaign to promote teens NOT using alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs every day of the year. Remember the slogan and be a role model: “Drug Free Looks Like Me!”
It’s the last day of the Red Ribbon Week Principal’s Daily Trivia Challenge.
Here is the final Red Ribbon Week question:
Friday: True or false…
1. Every 15 minutes a teenager will die due to drunk driving.
2. Every day an average of 11,318 teens try alcohol for the first time.
Here are the Red Ribbon Week participation prize winners. Please see Ms. Baker when you pick up your lunch today to collect your prize:
Monday- Logan Romatz, Trinity White, Calvin Uber, Lisah Buchanan, Eric Williams,
Keegan Baldwin
Tuesday- Anthony Baker, Paige Bobon, David Maneke, Kimberly White, Aidan Timko,
Jacelyn Moggo
Wednesday- Gunner May, Delaney Lloyd, Stewart Hall, Trey Davis, Madison Henry,
Catherine McCauley
Thursday- Dru VanEpps, Gaven Shalaby, Tiffany Green, Ty Baker, Aleckz Radtke,
Malley Raymond
This Week’s Events Are:
Friday, October 29, 2021
Half-Day of School, HS dismisses at 11:20 am
Varsity Cross Country Regionals at Chippewa Hills, Away 3:00 pm, Bus Time 1:00 pm
Varsity Football (1st playoff game) vs Gaylord St. Mary’s, Home 7:00 pm, You MUST buy tickets online prior to the game.
Saturday, October 30, 2021
JH Robotics in Robotics Workshop, 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Happy Birthday to:
Friday 10/29 Nolah G
Saturday 10/30 Olivia B, Maddox L
Have a Funtastic Friday!