Good Morning! Today is Friday, October 22, 2021, and here are today’s announcements:
Is it time for the new Marion Wear? Grab some of our new items with the new design from our online Marion Apparel sale. All orders must be placed online. See the flyers around MHS for more details, get the link on the Marion Facebook page, or speak to an MPACT Adviser. Orders are guaranteed to arrive BEFORE Christmas. The sale ends October 31st. Support your School Store today!
Students, please stay home from school if you are showing any signs of an infectious disease like the flu or covid-19 such as fever/chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle/body aches, headache, the new loss of taste/smell, sore throat, congestion/runny nose, nausea/vomiting, or diarrhea.
During lunch, students are to be in designated areas only.
Have you heard of SLS? Do you care about important issues teens face today? Students Leading Students (SLS) is looking for new members. All students in grades 7-12 are eligible. Stop by the SLS information table at lunch today through Friday to learn about this exciting group, get an application, and a sweet treat.
Junior High Halloween Dance--October 29th, 5:00-7:00 pm in the MHS cafeteria. Cost: $5.00 each. Wear your costumes and you may win a prize!
Halloween Costume Day-- Is Friday, October 29th. Wear your costume to school that day and you may win a prize. To enter the costume contest, sign up in the MHS cafeteria before 1st hour and pay the $2.00 participation fee. The costume contest categories are Best Group, Most creative (homemade), Scariest, Most Unique, Cutest. No weapons are allowed with costumes and all costumes must be school appropriate.
October 25-29th is also Red Ribbon Week. Join SLS in their campaign to promote teens NOT using alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs. The slogan this year is “Drug-Free Looks Like Me!” There will be many ways to participate for prizes. Just visit the information table near the stage at lunch each day. One way you can support teens NOT using ATOD (alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs) is the participate in the Red Ribbon Week dress up days:
Monday (Oct. 25): Red & White Day-- “Drug free looks like me!!”
Tuesday (Oct. 26): College Day—“Be on a drug free team!”
Wednesday (Oct. 27): Hat Day (preferably red hats)—“Tip your hat goodbye to drugs!” *(Students pay a $1.00 donation to wear a hat and receive a sticker acknowledging their participation. Hat stickers will be on sale Tuesday at lunch and before school on Wednesday.)
Thursday (Oct. 28): Crazy Sock Day—“Sock it to Drugs!”
Friday (Oct. 29 half day): Sunglasses Day—“Shade out drugs!”
This Week’s Events Are:
Friday, October 22, 2021
No Events today
Saturday, October 23, 2021
Varsity Volleyball vs Hesperia Volley Against Violence, Away 9:00 am, Bus Time 6:45 am
Varsity Cross Country Michigan Class D Cross Country State Championship at Shepherd High School, Away 12:00 pm, Bus Time 9:15 am
Have a Funtastic Friday!