October 18, 2021
Dear Parent/Guardian,
A student and/or staff member that attends Marion Public Schools has been diagnosed with Covid-19. We are working closely with the Central Michigan District Health Department to respond to this news, protect the health of our community and maintain education opportunities for the affected individuals. At this time, all close contacts have been notified. You may be contacted directly with further instructions from the health department.
Each situation calls for different protocols. In this case, we will use the following steps:
We are working with the health department to determine close contacts
The school staff will continue to clean/disinfect per protocol, as well as deep clean the affected areas where the exposure occurred.
The best way to prevent the spread of Covid-19 is through vaccination for those who are eligible, wearing face coverings, physical distancing and to practice good health hygiene habits.
Be sure to wash your hands frequently with soap and water, cover your coughs and sneezes and avoid contact with people who have signs of illness. Get plenty of rest, exercise, and eat healthy food.
Wearing face coverings reduces the spread of viruses and helps prevent those who have the virus, but do not have any symptoms, from passing it to others.
If your child should develop any symptoms consistent with Covid-19, please call your local health department or doctor’s office. Symptoms of Covid-19 include: fever/chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle/body aches, headache, new loss of taste/smell, sore throat, congestion/runny nose, nausea/vomiting, or diarrhea.
Students and staff should stay home when they have signs of any infectious illness and be referred to their healthcare provider for testing and care.
We will keep you updated with any new information as it comes out, while meeting requirements to hone everyone’s right to privacy.
To view the case counts for the district, please visit:
More information can be found at:
Mr. Steve Brimmer