October 6, 2021
Hello Marion Families.
We want to thank you for partnering with us this fall to keep our doors open, providing the best educational experiences for our students. In partnership with the health department, we continue to measure and monitor the impact of COVID-19 on our student population. There are many mitigating factors that impact our ability to remain open.
Unfortunately, the COVID-19 exposure impact at Marion Elementary School has increased to a level where all fourth-grade students will have to transition to distance learning. Students have been given details about the distance learning process. Students must log in to their google meet each day in order to be counted present. If you do not have internet service please contact the Central Office (231-743-2836 x1). This transition will begin Thursday, October 7th, and continue through Wednesday, October 13th. All 4th-grade students can return to face-to-face learning on Thursday, October 14th.
If you are interested in picking up breakfasts and lunches for your child during this time period, please contact our food services via email at leising@marion.k12.mi.us.
Parents and community members are reminded to continue to monitor for symptoms of COVID-19, which are on the CDC website. Contact your primary care physician if further support is needed. We will continue to evaluate each building.
If you have any questions as we work through challenges during these extraordinary times, please feel free to contact the school at 231-743-2836 x3. Thank you for your continued patience, support, and cooperation.
Marion Public Schools