Morning Announcements (3/26/21)
Good Morning! Today is Friday, March 26, 2021 and here are today’s announcements:
Attention Seniors: Please check your email to submit your senior quote and to vote for mock elections. They are due TODAY.
Middle School Girls track practice will begin on April 5 right after school. Coach Kischnick will be here Thursday during lunch for a short meeting.
Attention Students: If you are driving to school your vehicle MUST be registered in the office. Please stop by the office to pick up a vehicle registration form. This must be completed yearly.
Students: It’s time to show your Eagle spirit! Prizes awarded for the class with the highest percentage of participation. The last spirit day is:
Friday-- Maroon & White
The Snowcoming court ceremony will be TODAY during 5th hour (it’s a half day).
MPACT is once again sponsoring daily trivia. Today’s Trivia Question is:
Friday: In what year was Marion, Michigan founded?
Please make sure to submit your response with the Google Form that was sent to you in your school email.
This Week’s Events Are:
Friday, March 26, 2021
4th-6th Period Classes
Half Day of School, Dismiss at 11:20 am
Saturday, March 20, 2021
JH Robotics Competition Interviews, no spectators, see Mr. Baldwin or Mr. Mayer for times you need to be here.
Happy Birthday to:
Friday 3/26 Sye H
Saturday 3/27 Chris M
Sunday 3/28 Bree N
Happy Maroon and White Friday!